Thursday, August 16, 2012

New opportunities and "Don't just lie there!"

So far this has been a really fun week at the academy.

Tuesday night we ended up spending the class working self-defense from the original system designed by Helio Gracie. Helio and his brothers learned the martial arts originally from Mitsuyo Maeda, a former sumo and well respected Kodokan Judo practicioner of the time...but Helio was considered frail by not only those who he trained with but also physicians who had him sidelined while his brothers taught. This led to Helio modifying and adapting Judo to a smaller frame and focusing on the groundwork aspect and through him and his brother Carlos, Gracie Jiu Jitsu was born.

Why the history lesson?

Because in self defense classes of Gracie Jiu Jitsu they are key in my humble newbie opinion. Many of the throws, locks, trips...heck EVERYTHING is not based on muscling your way through them. These moves are designed to eliminate the Brute Factor and establish a dominant position for the person who was being attacked. Without Helio and some of these techniques there would potentially be no help for a thin, tall wuss like me.

Needless to say I pay attention to every tiny detail and request additional help from my partner to drill these over and over and over again because until I can do it without too much effort I don't believe I truly have it. This isn't the first time I've done "self-defense" though...I practiced Shaolin Kempo (unfortunately, a style associated with this guy...) for a little over a year before moving to Florida. While it may not be the best martial art, it had its redeeming factors and our instructor was constantly pushing us to find things in the system to make it work. Some of the self defense moves we learned Tuesday night were VERY similar to what I had done in Kempo with one huge difference. When I told my partner to resist or not let me throw them...THESE still worked!  Again, hear me...I'm not insulting Kempo. It just isn't as effective for this type of self defense as GJJ appears to be to my (still) untrained eyes. This could also be a simple "what have you done for me lately" perspective but something just feels more....effective.

Finally, one last little epiphany from last night's after-class rolling session. (Amazing class taught by Phil Cardella BTW). Blue Belt J who kicks my ass was watching me roll with another Blue Belt J who kicks my ass and noticed that every time I start rolling I don't "commit" to a plan and go with it. He advised me to either shoot for one top and go for it, or if I'm going to go onto my back at least fight for hip control, spider guard, etc....apparently I appear to be a fish helplessly flopping on the mat at the start of every roll. While not the most confidence inspiring thing to hear, he took the time to show me and demonstrate and I plan to completely change how my rolls start from now on because of it. Thanks Blue Belt J who kicks my ass, your advice will be heeded.

Until after Friday's seminar... (with Relson Gracie!)...

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