What an amazing seminar Friday night...
Two + hours with Relson Gracie learning half guard escapes, sweeps and advances (SO many notes taken) ---which reminds me, if you have a Windows Phone, there's something in the marketplace called Jiu Jitsu Journal. I HIGHLY recommend this as sometimes it's almost impossible to remember everything in class---, got my gi and my belt signed, so that was pretty nerdalicious...
let's see, what else happened...
My girlfriend's brother received his PURPLE belt (the first one my professor has given out), what an amazing accomplishment. I would LOVE to someday just have some color around my waist, let alone a purple belt. My professor gave out a statistic that around 75% of people who practice jiu jitsu never receive their purple belt. That's crazy....especially coming from TMAs where it appeared you were in the minority if you DIDN'T have your black belt.
Overall it was a fantastic seminar and gave me 4 different ways (on top of another I got this week) to escape half guard. A position I ALWAYS find myself stuck in just waiting to get side controlled/mounted, etc. There are SO many little pieces to jiu jitsu, it all still feels so intimidating. I feel like I'll never remember all of it. I am just going to keep working toward that day when I don't have to constantly think about it...that day when it comes naturally, that's an exciting and motivating thought.
I wish I could put my finger on what about this sport is so darn addicting...I think about it constantly, am doing little things all day in my head to improve my game, I've started running when I don't train, I have towels hung over braces in the house so I can hang and work on grip strength...daily I'm stretching and shooting for triangles on the floor, what the heck is going on?
Hi, I'm Terry and I'm a full-fledged addict.
See you after class...
Jiu-Jitsu, often referred to as the gentle art, is a martial art that has captured my heart and mind. Its intricate techniques, mental agility, and emphasis on leverage make it a captivating discipline that goes beyond physical strength. As someone who has practiced Jiu-Jitsu for several years, I can confidently say that it has had a profound impact on my life.